~ The Grave-Yard.

If I were a newer version would you love me?
Gosh, I still wonder about you till now but why, its unrequitted I know but am happy that I chose myself to fall for you.
Well I can twist you in my words and make you my story, essay or poem but can’t make you love me.
You won’t regret losing me, but I regret when you left me.
I was your option when no one else could entertain you and I did my bit knowing all I entertained you and loved you as I had never done.
Past’s are scary in my case. But you made my present and future a tragedy in this world of solitude, I’ll try to write my own fate.
With this… he left the grave-yard with a drop in his eyes, yet to burst but none to care….

~ Sid’
~ Infected Thoughts
